10 Tips For Your First Color Race – ColorMarathon
The Color Race is owned and operated by the for-profit organization, The Color Race LLC.
The event comprises of a 5 KM. Race with paint which takes place in North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and New Zealand. Generally, the Color Race is not limited by time and there are no winners or prizes. But, what does happen during a Color Race is that the participants who are taking part in this event are drenched in Cornstarch Color Powder. As of yet, the Color Race has not spread across the globe.
However, The Color Race LLC is planning to expand the Race across the globe in the near future. The event is like a crayon box exploding all over. Color Race is an awesome event in which people of all ages can be a part of. Even though the event is not timed and there are no winners, it is a good idea to be prepared for the Race itself.
The first Color Race was held on 7th August 2012, in Philadelphia. It was the biggest color Race of the world and stretched across 5 KM. According to the individuals who have participated in the event, it is a fun 5KM Race which is accessible to athletes of various physical capabilities. Even though there are various ‘tough’ Races all over the world, the Color Race is just fun and the routes are marked with primary and secondary colors. It celebrates the finish with possibly the best rainbow-colored dance party. Even though it might get tiresome, the thrill felt at the finish line when the Color Powder Fight occurs is one of the best feelings ever.
If this is the kind of event which you and your friends would like to participate in, then you should know that the Color Races are held all over the world. If you do decide to take part in one, then here are a few tips which you need to remember when you are taking part in a Color Race. The tips are given irrespective of the fact that whether you are participating your first Color Race or you are a regular participant. The tips are:
1. Convey Your Friends – If you and your friends are sure that you would like to take part in a Color Race, then make sure you get your registrations complete during the first few days after the announcement is made. Convey the message to your friends who would like to participate in the Race and get your registrations finished. This will ease up the pre-Race formalities that you need to complete and make the Race hassle-free and much more enjoyable.
2. Go Insane with Your Outfit – Since this event is a fun and enjoyable event, don’t wear some lame and regular clothes. Go completely insane with the outfit you are going to wear. Get some wacky clothes, add a few accessories to your clothes, and color your hair evenly. In short, just go insane with the outfit you are going to wear. One suggestion for the girls is that you can wear a pretty pink tutu with your outfit and act a like a ballerina during the Race.
3. Cover Your Mobile and Camera – This is the most important thing that you have to remember when you are participating in the Race. Always remember to cover your cell phones and camera, if you are carrying any. Sometimes, watercolor might be thrown, and your valuables might get wet. So, it’s a good idea to carry a Ziploc bag or a plastic pouch to cover your camera and mobile. Else they might get damaged during the Race.
4. Wear as much White as You can – It is a good idea to avoid wearing colored clothes during the Color Race as it will not reflect the full extent of just how much color you have been drenched in. So, you should wear as many white clothes as possible. Then, you will be able to estimate just how much you have been drenched in colors during the Race, and how much fun you have had.
5. Bring Sunglasses – If you or your friends are a bit sensitive to color or you just want to avoid getting colors in your eyes, then it is a great idea to wear sunglasses to the event. Even if you don’t have one, then, you can buy one from the various stalls which will open up at the place where the race will be taking place.
6. Take ‘before’ and ‘after’ Clicks – Take a before and after shot so that you can compare how much you enjoyed getting drenched in all the beautiful colored powder during the race. This is a great idea as you will be able to cherish your fun memories and the fun you had while you were participating in the Race.
7. Don’t race, Only Run – Remember, the Color Race is not a race. It’s just a fun-filled occasion in which people of various ages participate in. So, don’t get into a competitive mood and participate. There are no winners or losers in the Color Race. So, do not think of the Color Race as a race. Just Race and have fun during the race.
8. Throw-Color Powder – To get into the mood of celebrating the Color Race, throw color powder all around. The powder can be of any color. Be it red, blue, green, yellow, or violet, it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is throwing around color powder and getting in the mood of celebration.
9. Go crazy with Color Toss – To finish the race, an event takes place which is known as the Color Toss. During this, colors are thrown around wildly and on everyone present there. It’s just a crazy thing. So, take part in this and drench your friends in colors and just have fun.
10. Bring Baby Wipes or Tissues – After the event is over, you would want to clean yourself up. So, it is a good idea to bring some tissues or baby wipes with so that you can wipe off the colors from your face and body after the Color Race is over.The Color Race is a fun-filled event.
It doesn’t matter whether you Race or jog or walk to the finish line. It is a fun Race and thus a completely judgment-free zone. So, have fun getting drenched in a Rainbow of Holi Colors and just enjoy taking part in this beautiful and colorful event.
Website – Cornstarch Color Powder