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Basic Knowledge of Stock Market For Begginner’s

Stock market is a very wide and broad concept where buyers and sellers exchange equities, commodity and derivatives via platform provided by stock exchange.One can summarise this by understanding that Stock market is a place where shares are bought and sold.

If someone want to deal with stock market then he/she can deal in equity, commodity and the another one derivatives .

One can understand stock market and its area with this:
Stock market includes major 3 areas:
1. Equity Market
2. Commodity
3. Derivatives

Further these three areas are very wide and deals accordingly. So let us understand one by one.

1. Equity:-  Dealing in equity means dealing with cash/capital.Well,equity doesn’t simply means dealing with money , it is actually an ownership of the shares.

2. Commodity:- Dealing in commodity includes two areas , that is one can either deal in MCX or in NCDEX.

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MCX (Multiple Commodity Exchange)
If someone wants to deal in MCX then he/she can deal in
-Base Metals say for e.g Copper, Zinc etc.
-Precious Metals that simply includes Gold and silver
-Energy which includes Crude oil and natural gas

NCDEX(National Derivatives and Commodity Exchange)
If someone wants to deal in NCDEX then he/she can deal in
-Products related to Agriculture and Spice

3. Derivatives:- Dealing in derivatives means exchange of currency which involves two areas FOREX and COMEX in which exchange of currency is done.

-FOREX(Foreign exchange)
-COMEX(Commodity exchange)

Stock market is to be played the correct way

This all explains the concept and the areas which are involved in stock market. Basically, if someone want to invest in stock market then he/she will have to speculate on the price of shares to make profit.So as to help those traders who are interested in trading in stock market many companies are giving tips to those traders in order to help them in making profit and grow their initial sums of money into larger ones.These financial advisory companies give tips/advice to the traders according to their field of interest in stock market.These are called as “Equity tips”. But, the word tips got change when one is dealing in stock market out of India and want advice then the appropriate word used is “Equity Signals

There are various financial advisory companies which deals in giving equity tips to the traders which deals in Stock Tips, Commodity Tips, Forex Tips, Ncdex Tips.

These company offers various services like Equity Packages , Derivative Packages, Commodity Derivative Packages, Currency derivative packages. These companies also helps clients to take decisions that results in increased profitability.

One can manage their finance with the stock market news ,stock market tips via online or via T.V channels like CNBC and many more.These all platforms has made the stock trading somewhat easy for the traders.

Hence this all concludes that one can choose any area to deal in stock market.