Big Changes To The Future Of Video Marketing
Video is the most powerful medium of communication, and since the inception of the first video on YouTube 11 years ago, there has been a sea change in the arena of video marketing. Today video has turned out to be a powerful weapon of digital marketing and people take advantage of this medium for various reasons. With the change that digital marketing has brought about, videos have played a major role in advertising and continue to serve the companies.
Those were the days some thirty years back when a Saturday movie on television would pull not only the family members but also neighbors to the drawing rooms and even the advertisements where ‘Lalita ji’ advocated a brand of detergents and it was the impact of that time video marketing that for most households that brand has become a synonym for the product itself.
Changes In The Trend Of Video Usage
Since then as development of digital civilization progressed with introduction of VCR followed by CD player and leaping came the MP3 and eventually came the era of smart phones, IPads, etc. that revolutionized the complete marketing trends. The high lights of these changes and future revolutions that are expected as a consequence of today’s digital scenario can be understood by the beaming sales of smart phones and digital gazettes.
Big changes to the future of video marketing
You tube has been the king of video marketing for around eleven years and has built many brands. It continues to be the king of digital marketing kingdom with the cabinet of Face book, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, etc. and in near future the king ship may be taken over by the democracy even in digital marketing
As expected facebook is also adopting changes and making visible content more accessible to the users. This ‘global neighborhood’ is all set to become more open to video marketers. With new users joining the social media every day it has really shown that it is the future of digital marketing and branding, especially with the video auto play feature in the news feed.
Twitter recently showed its power during political crisis in Turkey when the head of the state released a video on twitter that made crowds throng the roads for saving the nation. The video feature was added only a few months back and is starting to become popular with a jet speed. Twitter will soon become a branding channel worldwide as maximum no of users watch videos on twitter regularly.
Here are four important changes that video has brought about and it is going to change the trend of marketing in the long run.
- Facebook is moving videos to the top: Since videos are catchier, the algorithms are designed in such a way that the social networking sites are moving the videos to the top of the news feed. This is effective in online marketing. A number of companies bank on Facebook and other leading online social networking platforms for their marketing, and the videos are important means to translate their advertising messages to reality.
- Social networking sites are getting more importance than the video sharing sites: The companies look out for the exposure that they are getting. When it comes to videos, the concept of sharing them on YouTube has become quite primitive. So, the best platforms are Facebook and other social networking sites. The companies need to place eh videos before more people, and so, they prefer these sites more than the video sharing sites. The latter acts as a database or storage of all the videos but fail to bring the desired exposure to the same.
- Twitter’s on-App video feed: The marketers have found that as much as 82% of the people on twitter watch the video feeds. So, they have banked upon the site for transmission of their messages. There is a new feature on Twitter that has come up last month; that enables a person to record the video in the app and upload it. The companies have started reaping the benefits of these sites.
- Video can penetrate through ad blockers: users who feel that advertisers are unwanted disturbances install an ad blocker and other software on their devices. Videos do not look like direct ads, so they are successful in bypassing the software and are visible to the people.
All these factors are changing the use of videos in a big way, and advertisers must take this advantage.