Book Review – ‘The Pride Being Different’
The book ‘The Pride Being Different’ is one of the epoch making and scholarly works of the author based on a true story and real experiences which the main character of the story has passed through.
First of all, I bow down before the scholar for her dare daring efforts to write on such a topic which is not welcomed in our society. The people of the community still struggling to find a respectable space in this so called ultra civilized and techno advanced atmosphere. I have seen the people of LQBT community hiding their identity and people cursing them with a myth that the person is suffering from bad karmas of his previous life whereas few developed that the reason behind being is the openness and so called modernity. Here, I would like to share that I too used to get afraid of people as i listen so much fake and baseless stories about them but from the last few years I have changed my way of thinking and now by reading this book I got a glimpse of total new perspective.
The best part of the text is that when one reads it, one finds himself either as the character or as all the incidents are happening in front of him. While reading many times i also found myself in similar situation.
Mousumi Sachdeva is one of my favourite writers but after this book she got new heights in fan following. She writes with such a passion that one wishes to read her books in one go.
I hope that the present piece of work will help in making the readers aware about the pains and trauma the people of LGBT community are facing and hence will result in change in mind set of the people towards this community.
Once again, my sincere wishes for the community people as well as thanks to the author for coming up with this issue in public domain.
Dr. Suresh Kumar
Assistant Director (Research)
Indian Council of Historical Research-An Autonomous Organisation under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi
Email: drsuresh.ichr@gmail.com