The Very First Things Only Fat Girls Understand
Hi everyone!! It’s indeed a pleasure to reach out to you in this special way. I Just Look like a Fat Girl. Now before you get all unsettled because I used the word “fat” and not “plus size,” let me first tell you that I am fat and I don’t consider it a bad or wrong word. It’s used to describe body and on my own terms. It’s only when people give negative connotations to the word ‘fat’ that it becomes an insult.
At the onset , I would thank all my dearest friends, for their constant motivation that made me move, that little extra and do this!!
And believe you me guys , it’s fun. It’s like a dream come true, like living a distinct dream !!
“OVERWEIGHT“, this 10 lettered horrifying word, is the root of many shattered self -images and zero confidence. It’s not only biological aspect, but deep rooted psychological problems that suffer at the hands of a constant battle between wanting to be “HEALTHY AND FIT ” and “BEING UNABLE” to do so.
If I was to write the smallest diet-book, it would have 2 pages:
They say its simple mathematics, is it??? so simple??? I think the solution for the above equation is popularly known : consistency and determination, but involves challenges while adhering to it..
MICHAEL JACKSON in his powerful song ” THE MAN IN THE MIRROR” , reflects the idea that if u hold a negative perception of yourself, nothing outside can make u happy.
The global fact is ‘You have to like what you see in the mirror each morning.. ‘, and only then can your journey of being happy and HEALTHY can start.
Does being FAT, undo all your intellectual , social and altruistic contributions??
That plus size image that you hate each morning is tightly tied to your ego. If you don’t learn to love it, you shall sink in it.
Yes we are “PLUS SIZE WALI“, plump-chubby-fat- a little more.
Enjoy the skin you are in and see the difference !!!
Until next time.