How I Challenged Myself to Become What I am Today – Anjali Gupta
My journey has been truly transformational from being a silent and a shy student to a confident speaker, an entrepreneur, an internationally certified trainer, and a mentor at Atal Innovation Tinkering Lab and also an author.
“Change your thoughts, and you change your destiny.” – Dr.Joseph Murphy
I completed my Graduation (B.Com) and PG (PGDM IB) from PIMSR. This journey since after college till today has been phenomenally fulfilling. Today – I am the author of the upcoming book – “The Global Brand Stories‟. I am the Co founder and CEO of Divine Ariel International Pvt ltd which runs three entities.
India’s foremost Event Consulting Firm
Divine Ariel International (DACI) started in the year 2014. It is India‟s Foremost Event Consulting Company which has helped Corporate Institutions and multiple state Governments to achieve desired results through events. Divine Ariel international has its reach spread across Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Singapore, Mexico, and Dubai. Divine Ariel International was the official event consultant for Government of Maharashtra (PWD department) for their biggest event, the 79th IRC held at Nagpur. DACI has consulted Corporate MNC‟s as well as State Governments.
The Better You Program
The better you program is one of its kind program developed by a team of experts
who understand that you are unique and you have unlimited possibilities.
This transformational program is designed for colleges and corporate companies. For corporate companies, this program helps with performance improvement, culture building and becoming more human than machines. For colleges, this program makes a student better holistically and makes them entrepreneurship ready as well as better employable.
The Global Brand Stories – Online Video Magazine.
The Global Brand Stories is an online video/podcast site where in you get meaningful practical information from sans pareil in the industry about entrepreneurship, branding and life. (theglobalbrandstories.com) .
About My Life And My Journey

Co-Founder & CEO- Divine Ariel International
Director- The Better You Program
I always wanted to be a business woman running multiple businesses and used to dream about the same. During school and college times, I was always a very shy and average student who wanted to compete with the bright students. After finishing college, I started working as a financial analyst with Sri Ganesh – A logistic company then in one of India‟s leading logistic company called Liladhar Pasoo.
I am proud to say that I was the only one who got promotion and salary increment in six months. After marriage, I relocated to Bangalore and worked for Thomson Reuters. I also got into a company where I was offered partnership – Even though I was not a partner there basically I worked there for free. But that company taught me the best thing of my life which I cherish as my best skill – “Networking”.
Networking and being resourceful is one skill you require to succeed in life or in Business. One day, I still remember it was the night of 30th of November 2013, I and my husband asked ourselves a question and I believe the most important question of all –“Are we happy doing what we are doing?” the obvious answer was a “NO”. This was followed by another question – “What‟s next?” The answer was – Start our own company.
Reaching this answer was relatively easier as compared to reaching to the answers to the innumerable questions which followed. What to start? How we will we start? How much capital we require? How will we get customers? Can we start our own? – This became a never ending, constantly increasing list of questions.
This isn’t helping and in fact was adding to the chaos in our heads so we took a call to help ourselves – WE STOPPED THINKING, WE STARTED WORKING. Undoubtedly, this was the best step we took. The day we started, that day by midnight, the name as ready, web domain was ready and first cut logo was ready. And we started. We started our entrepreneurship journey. Our company – then “iGnitus world” – Now “Divine Ariel International Pvt Ltd” was born.
If you ask me was it easy? Absolutely not. Did we fail? –Multiple times. Do we make mistakes? – Yes. Did we touch the rock bottom? Yes. But all these things taught us very important lessons in business and life – “Be a master of your own destiny”, “Own your mistakes”, “Take responsibility of your life because if you don‟t no one will ever”
“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”-
Richard Branson
From there without any knowledge of event management we started doing events. The best advantage was, we didn’t know how the market works. We learned from our experiences and created the best results for our clients.
I did not know how to build a business, I learnt it. I have coaches and mentors who constantly guided us. Skills are learnable so I learned them from the aces. If I may give an advice that would most definitely be – Invest in yourself. We have invested a lot in our learnings and self development. I have been fortunate to be trained by the world‟s best – Brian Tracy, T Harv Ekr, Mac Attram, Dr John Di Martini, Rajiv Talreja and many more unparalleled people.
If you don‟t have money, you have internet and you have YouTube.
That is how I started my journey of transformation, from being an analyst to being the CEO and Business head for my company. From being that shy kid in school who was constantly judging herself, constantly trying to prove herself and who constantly compared herself and competed with her peers to a strong, confident independent woman. This journey taught me that my competition is with nobody but myself.
This journey made me somebody who is now invited as a speaker in colleges and other institutions. I help budding entrepreneurs with their business strategies and I am a mentor with Atal Tinkering Lab.
This isn’t the end. In Fact it is just the start. My Journey is still on and I am sure I will build a business empire which will help millions of people directly and indirectly. I am also on a mission to better the education system and hopefully together we can make the change.
My word for you is – Life will have ups and downs and it is ok. You are living your life for yourself not for anyone else. Honest Communication is what makes business and relationships grow. Take responsibility and as Dr Velumani founder of Thyrocare told us and which we did “Either discuss or decide”.