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How Surveying Companies Are Using Drones to Improve Inspection and Safety

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “drones?” Most probably you are thinking  of the unmanned aircraft systems that  gained a lot of attention worldwide for their use and effects. But, did you know that the technology itself has been around for as late as the 1890s when Tesla showcased a boat being controlled remotely via radio? Over the years, there’s been a lot of debate over what the technology can do, and where we need to draw the line.

For a surveyor company, its potential lies in the ability to convey quick and accurate results, as well as improving safety conditions of various working sites. Here’s how that’s possible:


No Man on the Ground


The first benefit and perhaps the most obvious is the ability to conduct these surveys without needing actual workers to cover large amounts of terrain.

There are a lot of things to account for when sending people to survey a site, and even if you sit at the table and try to foresee all possible scenario, accidents can still happen. By using drones for this task, the possibility for accidents is considerably lowered.


Monitoring the Safety of Workers


Sites have to comply with a lot of safety regulations to keep an open shop. However, these regulations, no matter how strict, can’t account for everything. Accidents can happen at any given time, but if a site has a drone for safety monitoring, that’s one extra precaution to keep workers out of harm’s way.

You can look at it either as a way to be always aware of what’s going on the site or an incentive for people not to skip certain safety precautions to speed up the working process. Either way, drones can have a lot to say about workers’ safety, since it provides one of the most comprehensive forms of monitoring available today.

It not only helps prevent them, but they can provide a clearer picture of events in case accidents happen. That way, site managers can look at what went wrong and take extra precautions to avoid history repeating itself and ensure a safe environment for their workers.


Improved Documentation


The effects of drones aren’t just visible on-site; there’s a lot to be said about how this technology can improve the entire development process of a project. Drones can be used to map out 3D models of a site or do a rundown of any safety issue by scanning the site before the team arrives.

So instead of preparing for any accidents that may happen, drones give you the opportunity to eliminate any threat long before they can hurt anyone.

Clients directly benefit from this improved documentation as well, since it gives them a clearer picture of what the results will be. They can be updated easily at every step of the way, even if they can’t be physically present on-site to see it for themselves.


Final Analysis


Lastly, drones are useful for the final analysis and report due after the project’s completion. Once the job is finished, the report has to verify that the project is what the client wanted (meaning that it was created following the initial specifications) and that it complies with safety regulations before it can be put to its intended use.

With drones, you can scan the results of the project and acquire an accurate analysis of the completed job, far more comprehensive than any other surveying method could do in the past. Plus, they’ll do it a lot faster too.




Drone technology has great potential, and it’s possible to see the widespread use of them. For surveying companies, they provide a well-needed form of accuracy that  can’t be achieved using other methods.

From improving on-site safety to getting better data for a project report, drones can become an integral part of a worker’s life.