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Know About Ekta chawla, the Founder of ConfusedParent

Ekta, the Founder of ConfusedParent, which is one of the Top10 Parenting Communities as listed by IndiaToday, Influencer, BabyGogo, Child Magazine, BonusApp & Qtrove. In an interview with YoursNews, She shared her  success story.

1. Can you tell our readers about yourself and your profession?

I am Ekta, the Founder of ConfusedParent, which is one of the Top10 Parenting Communities as listed by IndiaToday, Influencer, BabyGogo, Child Magazine, BonusApp & Qtrove. We create SEO centric content for parents relating to pregnancy & raising kids. We have worked with Cadburys, Oi Play School, P&G, MeeMee, HP and IDBI Bank to name a few.

With over 2Lakh visitors & 10,000+ community of parents, ConfusedParent is growing 100% every year by adopting the information-driven approach. From planning pregnancy, healthcare to early education, we are aiming to connect parents with experts to ease the journey of parenting.

Ekta Chawla, with her daughter at her house in Chennai

We liaison between brands & parenting bloggers to promote products/services on multiple platforms and social media channels. Some of them include Aveeno, Pampers, RForRabbit, Sitaram Bhartia Hospital.

2. Describe how did you first get into Your profession?

When I had my child in 2015, I realized many mothers these days, especially with micro families mushrooming all over the country, have minimum support from family & friends when they have any queries about Parenting. Afterall, which parent is not ‘Confused’? All of us are, at some stage.

3. Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in profession?

Prior to ConfusedParent, I’d been in the Digital Marketing space for about 3 years. Working on creating viral content, social media promotion, on-page & off-page SEO  had been the key areas of focus. That helped me grow our community. The drive to become an entrepreneur since I was 20, got it’s shape and place when I became a Mother & had more time to delve into what can we do that can help other mothers in the same turbulent boat.

5. What would be your ideal working environment?

An ideal working environment is where the team is self-driven, drawing inspiration from those they meet in their everyday lives. It may be unrealistic to benchmark and get inspired by those who are in the Forbes Top 50. It’s practical to get motivated, learn & implement small things from people around us, that make a big difference. In today’s world, we either need to be FIRST, FAST or FLAWLESS to create a niche and to stand out. 

6. How do you manage time to run your profession?

We make time if we want to. I don’t make time for the ‘Game Of Thrones’ or the daily soaps on television. I spend around 3-5 hours everyday on growing the community & organic traffic. Juggling between work, chores at home and your child’s education and extra curricular classes is definitely a daunting task on some days. But, I like to take things at my pace. I love enjoying time with family. So, I am happy with the progress in the broader scheme of things.

7. How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?

The only way to grow exponentially is to build a good team. Currently we are engaging with many work from home mothers and a couple of interns who contribute towards content & SEO. As a Blogger, your scope of growth is linear. As a Team, your scope of growth is exponential.

8. What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?

A start-up graph shows many crests & troughs. This teaches us what works well & what does not. It’s important to be UPDATED & COGNIZANT of how people around us are progressing. To stand out or to grow 10X in 2 years we need to create something unique, to be a clear differentiator in it’s niche. We are yet to identify that.

9. Tell me about your proudest achievement?

ConfusedParent is one of the Top10 Parenting Communities as listed by IndiaToday, Influencer, BabyGogo, Child Magazine, BonusApp & Qtrove. We create SEO centric content for parents relating to pregnancy & raising kids. We have worked with Cadburys, Oi Play School, P&G, MeeMee, HP and IDBI Bank to name a few.

With over 2Lakh visitors & 10,000+ community of parents, ConfusedParent is growing 100% every year by adopting the information-driven approach. From planning pregnancy, healthcare to early education, we are aiming to connect parents with experts to ease the journey of parenting.

10. Who has impacted you most in profession and how?

I draw inspiration from people who motivate us differently. Some teach us how to work SMART instead of working HARD and are yet value-driven, some are game-changers, some teach us to be positive – a virtue so important in the stressful mad-rat-race.

11. What is your greatest achievement outside of profession?

10% of our engagement fees goes towards the upliftment of the needy. From child education to supporting the old age destitute with critical medical needs, we are happy to give back to the society in which we thrive.