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The Importance of Yoga in Life

One who is stable and well established in self is healthy. Being healthy does not only entail to physical fitness but what’s even more crucial is mental health and stability. One cannot claim to be healthy only if he is physically fit but lacks the enthusiasm to live life. The absenteeism of degree of enthusiasm from life shows how healthy you are.

Causes of illness are generally noted as infringements to the level of mind, body, and soul. Ill-health does more harm to the mental well-being than it causes to the physical being of an individual. It leads to distress in life which in turn sources discomfort, insomnia and depression — a form of illness as well. Discomfort makes you restless, angry, aversion to the treasures of life.

Body, intellect, and spirit are like three legs of the same stand. If one leg is broken and not functioning properly, it creates an imbalance in life. This imbalance in life leads to ill-health, aversions, distractions that can have disastrous effects on the overall well-being.

Yoga- (a component of Ayurveda) harmonizes the three components of life, the mind, body, and soul into one. The union of the three supports the life-system. It creates an atmosphere of peace, harmony and more where life truly exists.

Yoga is an integral part of our life system. Practice yoga for life and not only for the body. The Ayurvedic system will help in removing the impurities of mind and body. It liberates your soul from all the stress, discomforts of life uniting it with the holy spirits.

Insomnia, irritation can be attached to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Medication is helpful in providing temporary relief only. In order to sense true happiness, positive life energy, those who wish to gain wider and enhanced perception about one’s own body should address the issue through a system of natural healing- yoga.

The traditional science is not just the remedy to cure sickness or grant physical health benefits — yoga is a way of life. Yoga is a physical, emotional, mental discipline of life. A life led by yogic principles free from all impurities, dejections and more — which ultimately result in the awakened soul,  inner joy, and high spirits.

The ultimate purpose of yoga is to liberate the soul for eternal enhancement and evolution. Practice yoga for health benefits but more for a peaceful existence. Yoga is for the wellness of intellect and spirit.

The four core aspects of yoga for life: body, breath, mind, and soul.

Body: The practice of yoga postures along with certain body locks (bandhas), cleansing practices(shat kriyas), helps to keep the body strong, flexible and full of vitality. Every yoga asana has specific health and therapeutic effects. For example, the bow pose is effective in weight loss and reducing belly fat.

This yoga posture also improves the functions of kidneys, pancreas, liver, small and large intestine. Consistent yoga practice packed with health benefits acts as a great preventive medicine. A healthy body is a strong foundation for healthy mind and spirit. A fit body will benefit you in different walks of life. It will keep you away from all the distractions and will enable you to focus on your breath and mind.

Some general physical benefits of yoga asana:

  • Improved flexibility

  • Improved strength and balance

  • Improved posture

  • Improved Muscle strength

  • Reduced pain and injuries

  • Improved immune system

2) Breath: The vital force of life is the prana(breath). Breath and mind are closely connected, so work on your breath to calm your mind. Practice pranayama(breathing exercise ) to control, calm your breath that in turn takes care of your mental status. Correct breath work is important for physical, mental, and emotional health. The goal of Pranayama is to oxygenate the blood, calm down the nervous system

Correct breath work is important for physical, mental, and emotional health. The goal of Pranayama is to oxygenate the blood, calm down the nervous system for the proper functioning of the mind and body. It also finds application in pacifying the mind and increasing the lifespan of individuals.

Correct breath work is important for physical, mental, and emotional health. The goal of Pranayama is to oxygenate the blood, calm down the nervous system for the proper functioning of the mind and body. It also finds application in pacifying the mind and increasing the lifespan of individuals.

3) Mind: The greatest possession of an individual. Impatient mind leads to chaos, disturbances in peaceful living. Every yoga posture exists to prepare the practitioner to meditate effectively. Proper meditation calms your inner spirits.

Effective meditation technique improves overall well-being. It brings stillness in a body, evenness in a breath. Meditation purifies your intellect from negativity, liberates your soul and leads to self-realization.

4) Lifestyle: Not only indulge in daily yoga practice but adopt yoga as a way of life. The yogic way makes you realize the true meaning of contentment, exuberance and much more. It will assist you in achieving the goals of life for eternal evolution.

Dig deeper into the roots of the ancient art of yoga to gain more than health benefits. Yoga for life enables a deep inner transformation for spiritual life.