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Untold StoriesYour Story

Episode 1 – An Undefined Bond..

Here is an effort to keep you busy during this quarantine period and keep your minds away from crisis taking you to the land of love and romance. Short stories will be posted episode wise. Keep reading and keep romance alive in your life.


Can we somehow meet tonight?” He took the guts to ask her as he was yet to know her and her willingness.

She seemed to be bold and too open as compared to the women he had come across.

“Tonight? When and how? I don’t even know you.”

She was not rigid, but careful. She wanted to know him well.

“We have to meet to know each other. Don’t you think so? Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you the moment I meet you. I will wait for your heart to melt.”

She laughed out loud saying,

“It’s not easy to melt my heart by the way. I am looking for a friend to kill my stress and loneliness as I am stuck here away from my family and work is killing me.”

“I never said that I am looking for a wife. I also need a company as I am stuck here too.”

He replied.

That’s cool; we both are sailing on the same boat, it seems…” She giggled and spoke.

“Yes, it seems so. But I don’t want to miss any chance of meeting someone so hot.”

She was surprised by his words.

“Hot? How do you know that and you haven’t met me yet?”

“Your WhatsApp DP says it all and please don’t mind, while you shared a link with me to read that story, I dug for your pictures too and found you amazing and who would like to miss such an amazing lady.” He answered.

She remained silent.

He continued,

“Are you all alone here? I mean… your family and…”

“Yes, I am all alone here. I couldn’t reach my husband as I was out to explore the world and write my next book.” She answered.

“O Wow! You…a writer…amazing…so I am talking to a beauty with brain! Your husband is lucky.”

Listening to this, she had no word, but waited in silence.

“I am alone here too. My wife stays out for her job. We rarely get time to meet and now we are locked in two different places. I miss her and that’s the reason of my frustration.”

“Oh! I am sorry…I really feel bad for you. No worries; everything will be fine soon and she will come to be with you.” She consoled.

“Yes, I hope so, although I know she can’t come and stay with me due to her job.” He sighed.

“It’s okay; chill! Enjoy your life by finding ways of happiness than regretting what you haven’t with you in the present.” She tried to free him from his tensions.

“O yes…you are right! So, do we meet tonight and go for a drive? I promise, I won’t take much of your time as you seem to be busy. But a short drive will refresh both of our moods and we will be restarting our work with zeal.”

“I will let you know.” She replied and disconnected the call.

  (Will she accept his invitation? Will they meet tonight? To know more, keep reading!)